Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem Summit (CDES) + TopGolf

Is your business ready to tackle cyber threats effectively? Join us at the CDE Summit for practical insights and a supportive community to navigate the cybersecurity landscape year-round.

It’s the fastest and smartest way to up the cybersecurity game for you and your clients!

Experience “Extreme Cybersecurity Business Building in a Fun Environment” at CDES. Benefit from expert talks in the morning and enjoy golf, food, and networking in the afternoon.

Explore additional activities such as Mastermind Peer Groups and Training Sessions.

Attend CDES at TopGolf venues nationwide to access the Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem—a comprehensive resource for enhancing your cybersecurity practice.

This event goes beyond a typical tech conference; it offers a social networking opportunity with valuable insights and peer-to-peer exchanges. Expect authentic connections and exposure to innovative solutions.

Discover exclusive cybersecurity tools and business-building support at CDES where technology intersects with managed services.

Don’t like reading? Watch this 2 minute video overview! More updates coming…

What to expect?

  • Kick off your day by arriving at 8 AM for a breakfast meet and greet
  • The event hosts top experts discussing various mission critical topics in the morning
  • After the event, delve deeper into topics of your interest in Mastermind peer-groups
  • Use our mobile app at the venue to connect instantly with companies and arrange one-on-one meetings.
  • What are the best CISOs doing to defend against cyber attacks
  • What are MSPs and MSSPs doing to defend themselves and their clients against cyber attacks
  • Are you prepared for a breach day
  • Simplifying and improving cybersecurity through automation, consolidation and artificial intelligence
  • Build it or Outsource it
  • Discovering, classifying and protecting your data, wherever it lives
  • Supply chain cybersecurity management and compliance
  • Building compliance as-a-service
  • PEN Testing-as-a-Service
  • Emergency Incident Response-as-a-Service
  • Breach warranty and insurance protection
  • Configuring and simplifying the delivery of cybersecurity solutions
  • Virtual CISO-as-a-Service
  • Marketing Automation for Cybersecurity channel partners
  • Cybersecurity-focused Mastermind Peer-Groups
  • Curated selection of the most effective cybersecurity solutions and services to cover all bases to identify, protect, detect, respond and recover with governance built in
  • Outstanding social networking experience with your peers and other cyber leaders
  • Entertaining golf game experience that anyone can enjoy
  • Great food, drinks and cool gifts
  • Remember, our CDE resources and partners are available all year to assist with all your cybersecurity requirements.
  • Access exclusive content, podcasts, and video discussions on our CDE News Blog and eChannelNEWS.

🚗 Why Attend:

  • Learn how to build a bigger, better, stronger and smarter cybersecurity business practice
  • Learn how to leverage the CDE resource of the best cybersecurity solutions and business-building services
  • Meet and collaborate with your peers
  • Build your cybersecurity network
  • Free to attend with your Free membership at (And, if you do not like what you see, just cancel your membership after you attend for free :o))

⭐️ Exclusive VIP Access for CDE Members (MSPs, MSSPs, and SOCs):

🌍 International:

  • Attend upcoming events in the USA, Canada, and the UK to expand your business and network

Don’t miss this opportunity to up your cyber game and sales.! Sign up to be a member and secure your spot for free:

A brief video clip of the Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem!

Experience a dynamic mixture of high-value cybersecurity insights with an afternoon of golf gaming and social networking!

Event Details
Free CDE Membership

With over 5,000 cybersecurity vendors currently on the market, choosing the right solution and vendor is a daunting challenge. Our event tackles this big challenge by only showcasing CISO-vetted solutions for MSPs, MSSPs, and SOCs to enhance cybersecurity postures and practices.

You get to build sustainable and predictable long-term business practices with CISO-vetted solutions, experts, knowledge and tools. Everything else will be labeled as emerging vendors until they are verified and approved. Learn strategies for creating sustainable revenue streams by identifying, filling and/or improving cybersecurity gaps for your clients.

Join us for a day of learning and fun social networking with golfing games at TopGolf—an entertainment complex with high-tech golf games, music, food, and drinks.

Register now for a ONE Day experience enhancing your cybersecurity defense business practice and adding loads of fun.

For MSPs, MSSPs, and SOCs: Learn more or request the CDE prospectus Members attend CDES events for FREE!

For Vendors: Learn more or request the CDE prospectus


Understanding the Significance of the Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem
Enhance the strength of your cybersecurity defense posture.

Why this matters to you?

1. Optimize your business operations
2. Boost your sales
3. Enhance your profitability
4. Elevate your business's value

We start by exploring the primary five freemium advantages for CDE members and the comprehensive cybersecurity roadmap. For more information, visit Request the prospectus to kickstart your journey!

What are the current trends, data and opportunities in the cybersecurity sector for the Channel.

The event will commence with a panel discussion featuring various guest speakers who will discuss the current state of cybersecurity, challenges, trends, and insights.

Following that, you will gain insights directly from top CISOs immersed in the cybersecurity realm daily. Learn about their observations and strategies to safeguard their companies while having the opportunity to ask questions.
As every channel partner aims to increase sales and retain customers, the event will offer insider perspectives from successful experts.

To uphold a competitive edge and ensure customer retention, continuous enhancement of cybersecurity posture tailored to individual business objectives, financial constraints, and risk tolerance is essential. This involves staying updated on technology, personnel, processes, and providing regular reports to demonstrate ongoing protection efforts.

Highlighting the significance of cybersecurity, as a cyber breach can have severe consequences for both your clients' and your business. Clients may consider switching to competitors offering superior cybersecurity protection, emphasizing the importance of staying vigilant to prevent customer loss.

How can you effectively present the cybersecurity business case to clients, align your company with their interests, secure more deals, and foster long-term relationships? These questions will be addressed, along with an exploration of the evolving roles of today's CISOs.

What you need to know about the latest government regulation requirements and how exactly do you and your clients get into compliance as well as stay compliant moving forward? You have choices. Third-party organizations can help but there are also tools to help you manage the process. In this session you will explore the options and some automated ways to help you manage this complex process.

It's all about protecting the Data!

Staying on top of the latest in data security assessments and categorizations are mission critical in cyber risk management, saving time and costs. You have to know what types of data you have, how much of it and where it is - otherwise you cannot protect what you cannot see!

This area is undergoing constant innovations as several vendors try to solve this massive problem.

1. How do you locate, identify and classify all of your data, wherever it lives?

2. How do you analyze and classify the various types of data to determine the level of security protection each requires.

3. How do you perform forensics after a data breach to know exactly what and how much data has been compromised to guide your legal reporting, insurance and mediation requirements.


Automating Cyber Security is the only way forward. With certain tools powered by AI, better integrations and consolidated platforms, this is turning into a reality. In this session will we explore the latest advancements in automation of cyber and highlight some solutions that are leading the charge and the latest in pen testing as a service that any MSP can leverage to test their clients security posture and add a revenue stream. Powered by Kaseya's IT Complete.

What should do and not do after you are breached?

In this session we will explore the "PLAN" that you must have in place to stop the break, comply with the reporting regulations and to fix the problem from happening again. In some cases, you will need to inform your customers and make appropriate amends as well as mediate and social media and dark-web exposure.

Stopping the breach is only one part, but important to mediate the risk. As such, we will be showcasing the Emergency Incident Response as-a-service to help you stop any breach as fast as possible 24/7/365!

Fixing the breach will stem from the forensics discovery and recommendations.

Preventing the next breach from happening will require more analysis as you now know that you are vulnerable.

How do you REALLY know if your current security stack, process and people are producing the optimal cybersecurity protection for you and your clients?

How do you choose the most appropriate and effective technology stack with so many moving parts in maintaining the best possible cybersecurity protection?

It's far easier said than done. The ramifications of selecting or keeping the incorrect stack (even one component) might be catastrophic for both the MSP and the client.

Even if you start with the proper technology stack, as solutions improve and hackers evolve, components of your technology stack may lose efficacy and become obsolete. Other technologies may be a far superior replacement.

How can you determine if your current cybersecurity stack is working properly? Do you base it on whether or not you are hacked? Hacked is bad? Not hacked is good? Maybe run an expensive PEN testing service?

Failure in your technology stack can be a ticking time bomb...

New tools are assisting in the monitoring and identification of possible problems in each component of the technology stack. You will also learn how to "stress-test" your actual cybersecurity technology stack.

Check out 3-minute pitches about solutions. The vendors will all be around for the entire day so you can seek them out to explore further and become a partner.

You will get the "one-mile" high overview of the various solutions and business tools. You will vote for a winner and have a chance to win some cash.

Note which vendors and tools seem to fit well with you then meet them in the afternoon in their golf bay to explore further, have a drink and play some games.

No pressure!

Exhibitors will be hosting their exclusive golf-bay area to showcase their solutions and do some fun golf games. Everyone will be networking. Drinks and snacks will be available.

Only for those who do NOT want to play Golf Games, you have an option to participate in a Mastermind Peer-Group whereby you collaborate with your peers to solve your pain points.

Usually, whoever is staying back will end up at the bar or for dinner to carry on the conversations.

Free for CDE Members ($500 Non-Members)

How do I become a Member to the Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem (CDE) for FREE? It's simply - sign up at .

When should I arrive? We start sharp at 9 AM, so please plan to arrive by 8:30 AM to meet everyone with some breakfast snacks and coffee.

Where do I park? Parking is in front of the complex and FREE.

Do I need to be a good golf player to participate in the games? NO! Whether you’re an aspiring golf pro or picking up a club for the first time, Topgolf is fun for all. And it’s a unique way to share fun time with business friends and partners in a very non-corporate setting. Ditch the boring stuffy conference rooms. Corporate team building events at Topgolf are like nowhere else.


For more pictures from previous CDE Summits at Topgolf, please check out this website.

Event Details
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